Growth is more than BUSINESS

Growth is more than BUSINESS

Growth is more than business; it is a move/campaign aimed at bringing enlightenment to the power of work-life balance in Ugandan Workplaces.

A good work-life balance means having the time and energy to pursue personal interests and relationships outside of work. This can help to reduce stress and improve mental health and overall satisfaction with life. When employees can balance their work and personal lives, they are often more productive, engaged, and motivated at work.
On the other hand, when work demands consume an individual’s time and energy, it can lead to burnout, decreased job satisfaction, and even physical health problems. Companies that recognize the importance of work-life balance and actively support their employees’ efforts to maintain it can see improved employee morale and productivity.
Incorporating flexible work arrangements, encouraging time off for self-care and personal growth, and creating a positive company culture can promote a healthy work-life balance. By doing so, companies can create a supportive environment that helps employees to thrive both at work and in their personal lives.

  • Date December 10, 2014
  • Tags Business

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